Thursday, August 8, 2019

6 Benefits of Gamification in your Enterprise

6 Benefits of Gamification in your Enterprise
Last week, we wrote about cultural influences and gamification and why segmenting your target audiences helps you avoid running afoul of national and organizational culture and micro-cultures within your organization. 
This week, we are exploring the benefits of gamification to businesses. Before we do, we want to show you what it takes to achieve those benefits. 

Strategy First 

Dozens of gamification companies have sprung up in the past couple of years. Enterprise software vendors are now embedding gamification tools in their platforms. Finding a means to implement online gamification is easy. 
However, technology should not be the first consideration. Plug and play gamification without strategy and careful implementation can produce the same dismal results as the “technology first HCM and learning projects of the past. 

Targeted Outcomes in Gamification 

An effective gamification program starts with understanding the change you want to make: it could be things like increased job performance, learning, improved health, or improved leadership.i 
Once we have a meaningful purpose, we can design game elements that make everyday business more engaging, more motivating, and more fun. Getting people excited about a goal can spread through your organization, and if you use rewards with only symbolic value, you can scale up quickly without incurring more costs.

Psychological and Behavioral Changes as Mediators in Gamification 

Psychological states and behaviors are not the purposes of gamification. They are mediators that have a causal effect. Our experience tells us that people subjected to gamification with targeted outcomes of psychological and behavioral change will, at some point, feel manipulated. People who understand the goal will understand better why their participation matters. With transparency, you can avoid having your people feel that their employer is trying to change them. 

How to boost Social Learning with SumTotal Social

Thank you for the interest to join our Lunch and Learn

This session will enlighten on how you can-
  • Help your learners connect with peers and leaders and make learning interactive
  • Support BYOD to improve learner engagement as they tap into their own devices to accomplish learning
  • Initiate learning through informal styles like behavior modeling, browsing social media channels
  • Enable integrations to make social learning available on your enterprise collaboration platforms like Teams, Slack, Workplace, and JIRA. 

Register for our Lunch N Learn Session :

Friday, June 7, 2019

Cornerstone Convergence 2019 Overall Highlights

Curated highlights captured by TeamPixentia at Cornerstone Convergence 2019.

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Day 3 Highlights at Cornerstone Convergence 2019

Day 3 Highlights at Cornerstone Convergence 2019. It was a thought-provoking day that included a glimpse into the future innovations and more. Some of the topics discussed are 
>Engaging Employees with the right content
>A Human’s Place in Future of Work

>The Future of Modern Content

>Cultivating a Positive User Experience

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Day 2 Highlights at Cornerstone Convergence 2019

Day 2 highlights at Cornerstone Convergence 2019. It was an inspiring day with enlightening insights on HR & Learning operations. Some of the topics discussed are as below
>Working with generations

>Creating a continuous Performance culture

>The future of performance

>The Future of HR

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Thursday, June 6, 2019

12 Tips for Managing Report Names in SumTotal Advanced Reporting

About 10 years ago, I started a position as a report writer and analyst for a large HR department. In my first conversation with the senior HR analyst, I told her the first thing I wanted to do was to conduct an inventory of what reports were already available. She wished me luck in finding anything useful. 
Her response puzzled me, but I soon learned what she meant. I found almost 400 reports. Few of them had names or descriptions that helped me understand what was in them. It took months to clean up the mess. 
Report names matter, and without a published and enforced set of rules, you will, in time, have chaos. The effort required to resolve the problems may make you want to junk it all and start over. 
There is an easier way. Report naming conventions should be a part of your organization’s data governance policy. Your data steward should review every report name and description for compliance. 
If your organization doesn’t have a data governance team or function, we recommend you get started on it right away. Your organization may have good governance in place by another name. Start a conversation with your CIO to learn how it works in your business. 

Data Governance 

According to the Data Governance Institute, data governance is the exercise of decision-making and authority for data-related matters. It defines who has authority to do what with data in the organization.  It governs how you carry out the decisions your management team makes about your company’s information. 
What data governance means to your organization depends on the nature of your business. Although the framework for an organization may be the same as for another business or industry, the focus could be different. 
To get started, we recommend that you connect with the Data Governance Institute and download the DGI Data Governance Framework, or contact us to talk about your needs. 

Report Naming Conventions 

If your organization does not have report name conventions, we have a few tips to get you started. The standards here are based on our experience. This is our second update since we first published them in June 2016 
Note: This guide assumes you have completed Advanced Reporting Author Training and have read and kept a copy of the SumTotal Advanced Reporting Best Practices Guide. 
  • Create a naming taxonomy. You could use an organization taxonomy, an information type taxonomy, or both. You may choose a hybrid of, for example, organizations and functions. What matters is that you have a structure that works for you and that your users to run their own reports will understand. 
  • If you need to include department or location in a report name, you may want to use them at the beginning of the name so reports will be grouped together. 
  • Use plain language that a new employee will understand. Use abbreviations only if they are common acronyms that everyone understands. 
  • We recommend using spaces or underscore (_) between words. Camel case works fine, but it's hard to read (ThisIsCamelCase).
  • Use specific report names that give a clear idea of what is in the report. “Completion Report” is not useful. “Safety Training Completion Report” is better. 
  • Do not use ampersands (&). Spell out “and.” Ampersands can create problems in HTML. 
  • Use hyphens only if a user would type them in a search. Searching “year end” will not return a name that contains “year-end.” Instead of using hyphens for separators try colons. 
  • For country and region codes, use ISO 3166 standards. The International Organization for Standards maintains both 2-letter and 3-letter codes. 
  • Identify temporary reports with a suffix and purge them when you have finished using them. 
  • Provide complete descriptions for every report. Don’t assume people will know what is in them. 
  • Decide how you will implement the guidelines. Train everyone who creates reports on the standards and give them reference guides. 
  • Follow up frequently at scheduled intervals. It might be a good idea to have your IT group or implementation partner help you design an audit report. 
Following your guidelines will help people find the information they need. It will speed up report development because report writers can use what they already have as a starting point. And when it comes time to clean up the report lists, it will be much easier than having to open each report to see what is in it. 
Pixentia is a full-service technology company dedicated to helping clients solve business problems, improve the capability of their people, and achieve better results. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

Workday Studio

Workday Studio
Workday Studio
 “Good fences make good neighbors.”
- Robert Frost
We love to tell true stories, especially when they help us make a point. This one is about a hapless rookie reports developer. His IT department invested in a low-budget reporting platform for their ERP and didn’t do anything to optimize the integration. The young developer tried to extract a massive data set covering several years of transactions. Hundreds of people screamed when the ERP slowed to a crawl.

Fortunately, this developer was not in a multi-tenant environment, so he upset only a few dozen people, not thousands.

Workday® File Limits

Multi-tenant SaaS providers like Workday® have put controls in place to prevent tenants from running large, poorly designed integrations that use too much overhead. The safeguards include terminating processes that exceed these limitations:
  1. The integration takes more than 2 hours to process.
  2. The process generates more than 1 GB of files during the integration run.
  3. Any single file is larger than 250 MB during the integration run.
  4. It uses more than 1.5 GB of memory during processing.
While these “fences” help us be good neighbors in a multi-tenant environment, there is more we need to do to prevent glitches and support issues in our Workday® Studio integrations. Fortunately, Workday® engineers and customers have already experienced the pain and shared their experience. You can follow a few best practices to make sure your integrations run quickly and smoothly.


You can handle most of your integrations with Workday® using packaged integrations like  connectors, but situations do occur where a connector doesn’t exist or we have a unique requirement that requires the skills of a developer. For this purpose, Workday® provides Studio, an IDE for integration developers.

The assembly framework in Studio provides all the components you need such as splitting, transforming, aggregating, and streaming. It also provides all the standard transports in addition to the Workday®-In and Workday®-Out transports.

Best Practices

Using these components doesn’t optimize your integration for you. You will also need to follow these best practices.